Sunday, June 13, 2010

Emily's Birthday and another cake down

Happy Birthday Miss Emily!!!! It was such a joy to get to spend this afternoon with our good friends Joe and Erica as they celebrated Emily's !!!

I spent the day yesterday creating her cake... it was so much fun to do for her... and in the picture above, she is wearing the tutu and out fit that our daughter Chandra made for her... a true princess outfit. The cake is my fourt foray into the world of fondant... I'm getting better... it is just gonna take some practice! With all of these kiddos to bake for, I'm sure I will get plenty!

There were serveral family members and friends who came to help celebrate.... and the tables were decorated withe the pictures that they had taken by a photographer for the Littlest Hero project... (I think I have that name right!)

Thanks Joe and Erica for sharing your little one with our family... we love you... and we love her!!! We are so blessed to count you in our family... and Happy, Happy Birthda Princess Emily!


1 comment:

erica said...

I loved that cake!! You are so talented!! thank you so much!!! We are so lucky to have you and your whole family in our lives.