Friday, August 28, 2009

The end of a long week

One week of school down, and I have learned a great deal this week, and it hasn't all been from books!


Okay, I already knew that... but it was truly driven home this week. I am taking 9 credit hours at school... not alot when you first think about it... but oh my! Three classes... one on Monday night, and two on Tuesday and Thursday... not alot, right? Well... let me tell you... to those students who are taking 12 to 15 hours... you are my HERO!!! Tons of reading... lots of notes... memorization skills to hone... and it isn't easy! And in my human-ness, I have been afraid that I will fail.


Going into this I knew that I would need support... and I have gotten it by the truck load! Mickey has been awesome... he has been so encouraging! (Thanks for testing me with Flash Cards!) Carly has just warmed my heart... she is so proud of me, and that keeps me wanting to do MORE! Chandra and Rachel have been encouraging as well... from texts on my first day to calls wanting to know how my day has gone. Rachel has even quizzed me on FB!

Even my friends have joined in with encouraging words on FB and through e-mails... and it has all be very much appreciated.


Ever been in one of those situations where you are just determined that you want something YOUR way, and with a chuckle, God tells you it is HIS way that counts? Yeah, that happened this week as well. Can't wait to see what I am to learn from this!!!

You may be OLD but you are NEVER TOO OLD

I thought I might just get to Ivy Tech and be the OLDEST person taking classes... WRONG. You are never too old to learn something new... and I have been blessed to see that! We have even joined the YMCA and the older people there... those ladies and gents who I know I are their 70's that are doing the machines.... they INSPIRE me!!!! I just hope that I can one day inspire someone in the same manner.


I have been on quite a journey this week... not only a journey into a new place... a new chapter in my life... but a journey into finding out just who I am... and not just who I am in this WORLD, but who I am in CHRIST... and I fully believe that He is showing me things about myself that I hadn't noticed, or believed existed within me.

Yes... it has been a long week... but one that I am glad to have experienced.....

God is ABLE where I am NOT.... and for that... I am truly thankful!



Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

Keep up the good work, friend!

Anita said...

Hey Lynn....when I said you inspire me....I truly mean that. Mark and I have talked for years about my going back to school. Actually, right before we decided to adopt Kaylin it was school or adoption. I KNEW it was to be adoption to our girl. But now...the "I oughta finish school" has set back in here too. So, you have really encouraged me in ways you'll never know! And if I can get back in...well then I'll be walking right alongside with ya on the "can I REALLY do this?: And I KNOW YOU CAN!! HUGS!!