A good friend of our oldest daughter recently had a beautiful little baby girl... Kaiyah. (Now, I am totally unsure of the spelling, but God knows this little one!) I believe that today, Kaiyah is 10 days old, and she is in desperate need of your prayers.
On Wednesday, Kaiyah began to scream when touched or held... she also turned blue as her mother fed her. She was ultimately admitted to Kosair Children's Hospital where she was diagnoised with sepsis... an infection that travels through the blood stream. At this time, they are very unclear as to what has caused the infection. They have found that she now has an enlarged heart, and an MRI has came back unclear... indicating that the brain has been compromised. Yesterday, they went ahead and intibated her as she has been unable to sustain a high enough oxygen count.
I was able to visit Kaiyah yesterday for a brief period ... long enough to lay hands on her and pray. I am still overcome with tears when I think about this perfect little girl laying so still under my hand.
I would like to ask you to be in prayer for this little one, and her mommy and daddy. Please be in prayer for the doctors and the nurses who will care for her. Pray for her every time she is brought to mind...
I know that God's will for this child is perfect... His plan is perfect... and I also know the power of prayer. So if you can take the time to ask God's protection and healing for Kaiyah, it would be greatly appreciated... if you can pass this request along to all your blog buddies... that would be awesome... the more people who are in prayer for her the better.
Yet give attention to your servant's prayer and his plea for mercy, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. 1 King 8:28
Still praying for this sweet baby girl, Lynn!
Still praying,
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