Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Favorite Night

Okay... Tuesday nights are the greatest... AMERICAN IDOL and THE BIGGEST LOSER both come one... unfortunately at the same time, but they are both on! (I do alot of flipping back and forth, but I just can't go without watching them both!)

Sunday in our sermon the guest speaker asked if anyone was interested in Reality TV... yeah... five people raised their hands... WHATEVER! You KNOW they were all watching...

But what is it about reality TV that sucks us in? Is it the potential for failure? The thrill of the win?? Do we see ourselves in the people on the show?? Do we see others??

Whatever the reason, reality TV is HUGE....

So my thought for the day.....


Happy viewing!!!!!


Rebecca Jo said...

I cant wait for the BIGGEST LOSER tonight! FINALE TIME!! That show just inspires me....

Same with Dancing with the Stars... It makes me want to dance! I Samba my way down the hall every time I watch it!

That's funny only 5 people raised their hands... why the need to hide from reality? hhmmmm....

Joe Rollins said...

I find it so interesting that U2 had this down before it even started....

In their song Sunday Bloody Sunday there is a line of lyrics that speaks somewhat about this and is actually my favorite thing as of lately. It goes like this....

"And it's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality."

Wow! How true is that these days? We are surrounded by the truth and no one wants to believe it but when something comes on TV people take it as the truth, it seems.

Sorry if I went to deep with this :)