As I have shared prom pictures with you, I decided that I needed to share the photos Mickey took of our Michael, and Johannes... the little brother of one of Carly's friends. While the girls were being made over... having their pictures taken, etc... Michael and Johannes were busy being boys. Mickey turned around to find them jumping from the bank to the sidewalk and decided to take advantage of the photo op.
As you can see, Michael enjoys jumping... he was very excited to do so, especially since his new shoes sport lights on the sides. Nothing better than jumping and making them flash....
But I absolutely loved this picture of Johannes....
perfectly suspended in the air, with his arms outstretched...
As I looked at this picture this morning, I couldn't help but wonder how we would each feel if we saw ourselves suspended that way... arms outstretched... out bodies conforming to the shape of the cross. Would it bring home to each of us the fact that Christ died in our place? That he took our sins upon himself so that we would never have to find ouselves in this position because our sins are so great? Isn't it amazing that the very act of the cross literally wipes away death, and gives us each the opportunity for eteranl life with him?
So many thoughts from such a simple pictures... but I am finding that the more I allow God into my life... that the more I love Jesus... the more I see of him in the everyday events of life. And I am thankful to see him even in the small things.... like two little boys up in the air!
1 comment:
WOW!!! That is an amazing picture - perfectly "T" shape!!!
They were such boys... But Johannes comment about taking his sister & needing to dress up still just makes me want to tear up! That was so sweet!
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