Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Please be in prayer

Monday evening Mickey came home from a church board meeting and the first thing he told me was that an officer from Floyd County had been shot an killed, another had been wounded. The look on his face said it all...'it could have been me'. It could have been any one of the men or women that have chosen to protect the citizens of Indiana. When one is killed, whether they are known personally or not, it striks a cord with each and every officer who hears the news.

Mickey has nearly 23 1/2 years on with the State Police. When we married eight years ago I was working for the State Police in the office. I knew the risks involved and the hours required when I said yes to becoming the wife of a police officer. God has watched over our household and has watched over the Sellersburg Post. For that I am thankful. Mickey and I made a deal early on in our marriage...he never leaves the house without waking me. I want the last words that he hears when he leaves to be "Be careful...I love you." More importantly, I want to be able to ask God to watch over him as he is pulling out of the driveway.

I am fortunate that Mickey is now in the post most of his shift as the duty officer. He reminds me of that often, yet he still works overtime, and he still stops for motorists who are stranded when he runs across them. There are still dangers for an officer, even when they feel that there aren't. So, I'll continue to have him wake me when he leaves, and I will continue to ask for God's protection.

Today I will ask you to be in prayer for the family who lost their son...their husband...and their daddy. I will also ask you to pray for the family who's son is laying in the hospital with a shattered hip. I will ask you to pray for the family of the young shooter...his family must be numb with shock at what he did to the offiers and to himself.

I will ask you to pray for every officer who steps out the door today to protect you and yours...asking God that they return home to their families who love them. Their job isn't always easy, it isn't glamourous, and it can be dangerous, yet every day they put on their uniform and step into the unknown. Prayer is all that stands between them and the world....

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh Lynn - Mickey is the first person I thought of when I saw it on the news! I ran down to the basement and asked Ricky "Where is it Mickey works" (I cant keep counties straight) - when he told me Mickey wasn't at Floyd County, WHEW - relief swept me. But I like you started praying for the families of these officers. It must be so scary for you to hear stories like this. Its such a sacrifice to be in such a profession and I personally am so thankful for people like Mickey who put themselves in that sacrificial spot - and I am thankful for families like you who support their spouses/parents in their jobs. I'll say a special prayer today for you and your family - along with a prayer for everyone who is affected in this horrible situation. So many lives changed....