Ever have one of those days (weeks, months??) when you just feel disconnected? From your family, your friends ... from life in general??? More importantly, you feel disconnected from your church, and from God????
Ever feel like you just can't get back on track? The doors are closed? The windows shut tight? So you just sit and wait... and wait... and wait???
Guess you could say that right now, I'm kind of walking through the dessert.... I'm asking... I'm listening... but am I truly seeking with all that I am??? Or am I allowing myself to become even farther disconnected???
These are all questions that are running through my mind today. Ever have a day (or a week, or a month!) like that?? What helps you to find that oasis again???? Give me your thoughts!
Be Blessed...Lynn
I think a trip to get your own wand at Harry Potter World would help :) ... just saying...
love you friend!
I usually try to read a book that deals with how I'm feeling or what I'm going through. I also get "defunked" by watching some online sermons from some of my favorite pastors.
I agree with Joe..I love books! My biggest is keeping up a running dialogue with Jesus. I'm sure I look like a nut job but I mean a constant conversation including laughing and everything. Just like he's sitting right next to me. Cause I'm crazy like that ;) Talking about my feelings helps too.
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