Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Down......

That's right.... one graduation down, one to go. Michael celebrated his graduation from kindergarten yesterday at Eastern. He is pictured here with is principal, Mrs. Essary, on the left and his teacher, Mrs. Sanders, on the right. He did a great job.

Below is my great-nephew Chase (and yes, I am THAT old!) who also graduated. He is the one on the left in his button-down shirt and tie. Told his mom that he looked like a "real man" going to a "real job". How cute is that?

This year, Michael's class was blessed with a cadet teacher, Miss Brianna. Oddly enough, I coached Brianna for years as Carly played T-ball, then softball. Her dad acted as my assistant coach for a good number of those years, and I could always count on her mom, Pam, to do whatever was needed. Brianna will graduate with Carly this Saturday.

Michael's graduation marks the beginning of Summer Vacation for him, and he is already looking forward to vacation in a couple of weeks. And he is already talking about our homeschooling next fall. Hope he is still excited about it when the time comes!!!
Now... baking cakes for Carly's graduation open house scheduled for Saturday. Can't wait to celebrate her accomplishment with family and friends. Praying for a nice, cool and NON-rainy day... but well be satisfied with the weather that God sends our way! But if you come, remember to tell Michael congratulations as well, he is pretty excited about graduating just like Carly!!!



Anonymous said...

Yay Michael!!!

Joe Rollins said...

That is so awesome! I'm very proud of both Michael and Carly and can't wait to see them on Saturday!