My adoption/blog buddy Terry issued a challenge to those of us who are a part of the Children of Promise Yahoo group... read the bible! And she had an interesting way to keep us in the Word... over the next 89 days read one chapter of the bible, beginning with Matthew... this would have us finish the 4 gospels by Easter... how cool is that?
So, I thought, "Why keep this to ourselves, let's invite others to join the fun!" I love a challenge, and anything that involves getting me into the Word more faithfully is a bonus! So, this was issued yesterday evening, and I was out and didn't receive this until today... so if you are reading this on Tuesday, and you wish to join in, you need to read both Matthew 1 and 2... and you should finish the final chapter of John on Good Friday! I am going to try and add a counter to my blog to help us keep track of the reading!
Give me a shout and let me know if you'd like to join in... I'd love to hear from you!
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